C.A.M.P. Therapy Center Proudly serves the pediatric population (birth-20 years of age).
what is occupational therapy?
Occupational Therapy is a professional service, which assists individuals across the lifespan to do the things that they need and want to do, through the use of therapeutic activities or occupations.
how do i get my child started with occupational therapy?
You may meet with the occupational therapist for a general screening of your child and their needs, however, you will need a physician’s referral prior to the completion of a formal evaluation or treatment.
How can occupational therapy help my child?
Occupational Therapy can assist children with the following:
-fine motor difficulties
-eye-hand coordination difficulties
-visual motor delays
-visual perceptual delays
-self-care delays
-sensory processing difficulties
-decreased strength
-decreased range of motion
-social challenges/life skills
what are the fees associated with occupational therapy?
Fees will vary depending on the frequency, type, and length of treatments. Please contact the office directly for information regarding fees.